Aug 31, 2021
Are you guilty of overthinking things and making it more complicated than it needs to be? Nodding your head, yes? Let’s be honest and admit sometimes we are the ones stressing ourselves out. It’s another necessary wakeup call that we need to do something more for our self care. It can be done when we are willing...
Aug 24, 2021
Sometimes the best way you can focus on your self care is to take note of what your mind and body are telling you. You are the expert on you, so pay attention to your body. And let’s be clear just because a method used to work doesn’t mean it will forever. It’s okay, we just need to have tools in our self care...
Aug 17, 2021
Are you feeling stuck when it comes to your self care? Maybe it is time to refresh your view and take a closer look at where you are investing your time and energy. This is the time of year when things start to get really busy again, and we get into habits of just doing the same as always. Today, I want to challenge you...
Aug 10, 2021
For ALL the moms (and the women who stand in the gap when needed) this replay episode is for you. Too often women are expected to be great in all things, while doing ALL the things. Yet, they are not celebrated for their day to day wins. Today’s guest Trina Small joins the morning conversation to talk about self care,...
Aug 3, 2021
This week is a quick episode about some recent online topics that we need to take a moment to talk it out. It may seem like just another trending topic online, but there is always a message that we can apply to our own lives. There are a few self care opportunities that we need to consider and take action in the...